

Biblical Chronology

by Ray Shelton


From Harold Camping’s Adam When? first published in 1974 by Frontiers for Christ, Alameda, California:


Genesis Chapter 5 – Genealogy from Adam to Noah

The following is a summary of the genealogical data found in Genesis 5:

PatriarchYear BegatNext PatriarchTotal Years
Adamat 130Seth+ 800 = total 930 years (Gen. 5:3-5)
Sethat 105Enosh+ 807 = total 912 years (Gen. 5:6-8)
Enoshat 90Kenan+ 815 = total 905 years (Gen. 5:9-11)
Kenanat 70Mahalalel+ 840 = total 910 years (Gen. 5:12-14)
Mahalalelat 65Jared+ 830 = total 895 years (Gen. 5:15-17)
Jaredat 162Enoch+ 800 = total 962 years (Gen. 5:18-20)
Enochat 65Methuselah+ 300 = total 365 years (Gen. 5:21-24)
Methuselahat 187Lamech+ 782 = total 969 years (Gen. 5:25-27)
Lamechat 182Noah+ 595 = total 777 years (Gen. 5:28-31)
Noahat 500Shem, Ham, and Japheth(Gen. 5:32)
Noahat 600Flood (Gen. 7:6)+ 350 = total 950 years (Gen. 9:28-29)



The following is the chronology from Adam to Noah determined by using Camping’s method of analysis of the data found in Genesis 5:

YearsAfter CreationPatriarchYears Before Christ
Year 0= Creation ofAdam11013 B.C.
Year 130= 0 + 130; birth ofSeth10883 B.C.
Year 235= 130 + 105; birth ofEnosh10778 B.C.
Year 1140= 235 + 905; birth ofKenan9873 B.C.
Year 2050= 1140 + 910; birth ofMahalalel8963 B.C.
Year 2945= 2050 + 895; birth ofJared8068 B.C.
Year 3907= 2945 + 962; birth ofEnoch7106 B.C.
Year 4272= 3907 + 365; birth ofMethuselah6741 B.C.
Year 5241= 4272 + 969; birth ofLamech5772 B.C.
Year 5423= 5241 + 182; birth ofNoah5590 B.C.
Year 5925= 5423 + 502; birth ofShem5088 B.C.
Year 6023= 5423 + 600 –Flood4990 B.C.


Total years to Noah according to this genealogy is 5423 years a.c. (after creation of Adam)

Total Years to flood 6023 years (Noah 600 yrs old) a.c. (after creation of Adam)


Since Noah was 600 at Flood (Gen. 7:6),

and Arpachshad was begotten 2 years after Flood (Gen. 11:10)

and in the 602 year of Noah (600 + 2 = 602),

and Shem was 100 when Arpachshad was begotten,

then Shem was born when Noah is 502: (602 – 100 = 502).


Genesis Chapter 11 – Genealogy from Noah to Abraham

The following is a summary of the genealogical data found in Genesis 11:

PatriarchYear BegatNext PatriarchTotal Years
Shemat 100Arpachshad
(2 yrs after flood)
+ 500 = total 600 yrs (Gen. 11:10-11)
Arpachshadat 35Shelah+ 403 = total 438 yrs (Gen. 11:12-13)
Shelahat 30Eber+ 403 = total 433 yrs (Gen. 11:14-15)
Eberat 34Peleg+ 430 = total 464 yrs (Gen. 11:16-17)
Pelegat 30Reu+ 209 = total 239 yrs (Gen. 11:18-19)
Earth dividedandTower of Babelduring patriarch Peleg. (Gen. 10:25, 32)
Reuat 32Serug+ 207 = total 239 yrs (Gen. 11:20-21)
Serugat 30Nahor+ 200 = total 230 yrs (Gen. 11:22-23)
Nahorat 29Terah+ 119 = total 148 yrs (Gen. 11:24-25)
Terahat 70Abram, Nahor, Haran(Gen. 11:26); total 205 yrs (Gen. 11:32)



The following is the chronology from Noah to Abraham determined by using Camping’s method of analysis of the data found in Genesis 11


YearsAfter CreationPatriarchYears Before Christ
Year 6025= 6023 + 2 yrsafter Flood4988 B.C.
Year 6525= 6025 + 500 –Arpachshad4488 B.C.
Year 6963= 6525 + 438 –Shelah4050 B.C.
Year 7396= 6963 + 433 –Eber3617 B.C.
Year 7860= 7396 + 464 –Peleg3153 B.C.
Year 8099= 7860 + 239 –Reu2914 B.C.
Year 8338= 8099 + 239 –Serug2675 B.C.
Year 8568= 8338 + 230 –Nahor2445 B.C.
Year 8716= 8568 + 148 –Terah2297 B.C.
Year 8846= 8716 + 130 –Abram2167 B.C.


But if Terah died at 205 (Gen 11:32) and

Abram left Haran after Terah’s death (Acts 7:4b) and

Abram was 75 at that time (Gen 12:4),

then Terah must have been 130 when Abraham was born???

(205-75=130)After Flood 2693 years to Terah (2693 = 8716 – 6023)

and 130 more to Abram, that is, 2693 + 130 = 2823, then

6023 + 2823 = 8846 yrs from Creation of Adam until the birth of Abram in 2167 B.C.

8846 + 75 = 8921 years from Creation of Adam until the promise to Abram in 2092 B.C.


The following tables gives the year of the death of the partriarch after creation of Adam (a.c.)

and before the Flood (b.f.) and after the Flood (a.f.).

PatriarchYear Died After Creationof AdamBefore the Flood
Adam– died year 0 + 930= 930 a.c.5093 b.f.
Seth– died year 130 + 912= 1042 a.c.4981 b.f.
Enosh– died year 235 + 905= 1140 a.c.4883 b.f.
Kenan– died year 1140 + 910= 2050 a.c.3973 b.f.
Mahalalel– died year 2050 + 895= 2945 a.c.3078 b.f.
Jared– died year 2945 + 962= 3907 a.c.2116 b.f.
Enoch– died year 3907 + 365= 4272 a.c.1751 b.f.
Methuselah– died year 4272 + 969= 5241 a.c.782 b.f.
Lamech– died year 5241 + 777= 6018 a.c.5 b.f.
PatriarchYear Died After Creationof AdamAfter the Flood
Noah– died year 5423 + 950= 6373 a.c.350 a.f.
Shem– died year 5925 + 600= 6525 a.c.502 a.f.
Arpachshad– died year 6525 + 438= 6963 a.c.940 a.f.
Shelah– died year 6963 + 433= 7396 a.c.1373 a.f.
Eber– died year 7396 + 464= 7860 a.c.1837 a.f.
Peleg– died year 7860 + 239= 8099 a.c.2076 a.f.
Reu– died year 8099 + 239= 8338 a.c.2315 a.f.
Serug– died year 8338 + 230= 8568 a.c.2545 a.f.
Nahor– died year 8568 + 145= 8713 a.c.2690 a.f.
Terah– died year 8568 + 148= 8716 a.c.2693 a.f.
Abram– died year 8846 + 175= 9021 a.c.2998 a.f.